You are creating content non-stop on your social media and blog but you’re not earning the income that you want.
Your number of followers, likes, and comments on your social media, especially Instagram, are not translating to the amount of $ you would like to earn.
You hustle and hustle to increase your social media following but you’re not getting anywhere.
You are “investing” more money on clothes, shoes, accessories, traveling, and lifestyle and other blog expenses than what you get coming in.
You are constantly trying to keep up with others, go on girls’ trip, portraying a #goals lifestyle while your credit card debt is racking up, only to earn a few dollars from a single blog or Instagram post.
You are not earning a consistent 5 figures every month or 6 figures every year from your blog.
Still waiting for that biggest brand deal, hoping one day it will come.
And waiting to get paid 30, 60, 90 days from small projects.
If you said YES to any or all of the above…
Then you are doing it all wrong.
Chances are you are focusing on POPULARITY INSTEAD OF PROFITABILITY.
Chances are you are focusing on what “you” think your audience want but not what they really want.
Chances are you are serving yourself and not really serving others.
Chances are you are doing what everybody else is doing, getting drowned in this narcissistic social media world.
This can get old soon and real fast.
One reader told me: “She started unfollowing other bloggers and influencers because they don’t make her “feel good” about herself anymore. She feels bad that she couldn’t get what they have and live the “life” that they have.”
Another reader told me: “I like following you because you keep it real. Others only show super high end stuff, that’s not even realistic to ordinary people.”
If this is eye-opening to you, I can help you!
Hi My name is Lynne G. Caine and I’m a blogger just like you. But I make 6 figures from my blog without millions of pageviews and millions of followers.
The truth is that most bloggers dive into the world of blogging with no idea on how to better serve their audience.
We woke up one day with the urge to become what we see on Instagram or Pinterest and thought we can do the same and start making money until…
We hit some bumps.
Spend more money than make it.
Going and going at it, hoping one day we’ll get that break without a strategy or a roadmap.
Foolish isn’t it? A total road for financial disaster or blogging career failure.
This is not WHY you started your blog.
You want to have financial, location, and time freedom. You want to create the life of our dreams, be able to spend more time with your family, earn a substantial income, while doing what we enjoy, with passion and purpose.
But is your blog truly creating that for you or do you find yourself slowly getting overwhelmed and frustrated, trying to keep up without seeing the return on investments that you desire and deserve?
Most bloggers quit without even realizing that they can make 5 or 6 figures through blogging without being like everyone else!
My friend, don’t let this be you.
It’s only when you provide value that your readers need that you can translate that monetarily.
You will see a tremendous transformation on how you blog.
You will find a newly revived and exciting purpose in your blogging.
You will create a 5-6 figure income stream that you never had before while truly inspiring people.
The legendary Jim John said:
“Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness – great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy.”
Wherever you are at in your blogging journey, it is not too late to turn your sails around and head towards the direction that will bring you the income that you so deserve!
Another favorite quote of mine from Jim Rohn said:
“Life and business is like the changing seasons. You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself. Therein lies the opportunity to live an extraordinary life–the opportunity to change yourself.”
So let me ask you this:
Are you willing to make some changes and adjustments in order to make 5 to 6 figures in your blog?
Do you want to make this change but don’t know how?
How will a group of about 30 purpose-filled and passionate women help you in this new and exciting journey?
If this excites you, then I encourage you to join my group coaching where we will embark in the adventure of a lifetime to take your blog to the next level!
Realize your income potential without hundreds of thousands of followers (and if you already have it, that’s even better!)
We will all set goals, make plans, and take action to get started and to where we want to be and achieve that 5 figure income!
We will all take accountability! We will make sure that we all show up everyday, working towards creating that dream life!
I will check your mindset and help you maneuver out of your negative beliefs that’s preventing you from being successful in this blogging career.
I will audit your blog initially and see what changes can be made and make those suggestions.
I will help you find your strengths and advantage points and capitalize on that.
I will help you find clarity and direction as to how you can take your blog to the next level.
I will help you find your voice and tell your story to attract the audience that gets you and will pay for anything you offer!
I will help you create an effective strategy and implement it to turn your blog into a sustainable and scalable business machine that brings you money and time freedom and not take it from you and your family.
I will invest my personal time in reviewing your goals, plans, and action steps.
Eliminate the crazy overwhelm and not to mention the frustration from trying to figure things out on your own. It always helps when there’s this one authoritative voice who can guide you! It always helps when there’s another pair of eyes that can lead you. It always helps when there’s another mind to help think for you when you’re feeling off. It always helps when there’s another heart who can sympathize with what you’re going through but strong enough to say, “You’re not staying there!”
I know, I know, you’re dying to know the cost!
It is my opinion that there is no price tag to the value I can deliver you and I’m confident that you will walk out of this coaching with a new strategy, new direction, new purpose, and new income model for your blog!
However, since time is money, I have to put a price to it and for a limited time, I will offer this collective coaching for $997 instead of $1,997! That’s $1000 OFF for the next five days.
Some group coaching costs waaaaaaayyyyyy more than that.
But since this is collective coaching, I am willing to take that much off for my time in 90 days. $997 is below what I normally charge for a post on my blog that will require me only 2-4 hours worth of work.
An acquaintance coach of mine charges $1,647 for 4 hours of coaching.
This is $997 for 30 days worth of my time dedicated to helping you succeed!
I am seeking 30 passionate and purpose-filled women who:
Want to take their blogs to the next level (or start one) and make it into a full-time business.
Want to have an established business model for their blog that can generate 5-6 figures of income.
Want their voice to be heard and inspire other women with their story while getting rewarded monetarily for it!
100% committed for success.
As Jack Canfield said,
“Nothing will change for the better unless you do.”
Don’t go through 2022, doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Join me and 29 other women on this BLOG BOSS Collective Coaching. Enrollment closes on October 3 and won’t open again until next year. Coaching starts November 1st.
(This date is subject to change. I will work on the majority of the group’s schedule based on the holidays.)
Frequently Asked Questions
As much as I would love to offer payment plans, I’m just not able to at the moment. The program is already affordable as it is. However, PayPal does offer a Payment plan I believe if you’re qualified.
This program is not a get-rich quick scheme, therefore I am not guaranteeing the results.
I will be your coach and we will work together. I will not do ALL the work. We are a team.
With that being said, the result is not up to me, it’s up to you. However, in this program, I will lead you in the best way possible in order to be successful.
The format will mostly be in live video calls every week. Some materials will be provided in PDF files if necessary.
You will be paying for 3 months worth of group coaching.
Every group coaching video calls will be recorded so you can have access at a later time.
If you would like a one-on-one direct session via a video call, this will be a separate charge. However, I encourage you to list any questions you might have and I can address them quickly via email or during live group coaching calls.
This program is for women who has the grit, the determination and motivation to be successful in this. If for whatever reason you need to drop out, we are unable to give a refund. However, all group coaching calls are recorded so you will have access to it at a later date whenever it’s more convenient and more feasible for you.
Yes! We will have a Facebook group for Become a Blog Boss Collective Coaching for accountability. We encourage every one to support each other.