Make Money Blogging

Be Your Own Blog BOSS


Learn from someone who has a proven track record in the industry and has worked with hundreds of national and international brands including Cadillac, Macy’s, Lexus, Dolce & Gabbana, Starbucks, Reebook, L’Oreal, Maybelline, just to name a few.

Make Money Blogging

Be Your Own Blog BOSS


Learn from someone who has a proven track record in the industry and has worked with hundreds of national and international brands including Cadillac, Macy’s, Lexus, Dolce & Gabbana, Starbucks, Reebook, L’Oreal, Maybelline, just to name a few.

Want to become a blogger or influencer?

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom who would love to have a supplement income or a corporate gal who wants to quit her day job, blogging can make your dreams come true!

Join hundreds of thousands of individuals who made a decision, took a leap of faith and joined the wonderful world of blogging.

And no, blogging is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. It involves hands-on work, strong work ethic and dedication. It promises good stuff but you need patience and determination.


  • Prepare and program your mind for blogging success. Avoid the mind games that are causing you to fail!
  • Set your blogging goals with an easy and simple questionnaire.
  • Different types of blogs and niches explained. Determine which one is right for you.
  • Brand your blog right from the start and avoid the mistakes I made.
  • Simplified step by step instruction on the techie stuff: How to register your domain name, set up Wordpress blog, and customize it to match your branding.
  • Learn how to create cornerstone contents that will skyrocket your blog’s page views.
  • Learn how to write blog posts that your readers will love and share.
  • Brand your social media platforms for consistency and recognition.
  • Approximately 250 blog content ideas to get you started and to keep you going.
  • Establish a monetization system (a backbone that works) for your business to keep revenue flowing.
  • Proven and effective ways to drive traffic to your blog, including a Pinterest strategy.
  • Streamline your social media activity for productivity and profitability.
  • How to work with national and international brands and get paid to do it.
  • Different strategies to grow your email list.
  • Each day to day lesson is organized strategically. Combined with action steps for each lesson, you are poised to become a #BLOGBOSS in no time at all!
  • Complete with worksheets, questionaires, checklists, notepads to make sure that you’re well organized and strategic in building your blogging business.
  • A sample strategy to earn your first $1,000.00 from blogging without thousands of followers!
  • AND MORE! I will share with you proven tactics that have worked for me in my 7 years of blogging and brought me six figures!

What You Will Get From Your  Blog BOSS Course


VALUED AT: $1,997

A step-by-step, very detailed training, that walks you thru starting a blog           from scratch, even with zero experience, to taking it to an-income generating platform. 

This course is very strategic and systematic that it eliminates the overwhelm, confusion, frustration, and information overload that normally comes when starting and building a blog. 

 Shows you the PROVEN strategies that I used to build a six-figure blog. No more guesswork! 

So easy-to-follow, even your 10-year old daughter can do so!

This is the ONLY course you will ever need to create the blog of your dreams! 



EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the following printables: 

Weekly Blog Planner to keep your posts organized and well-planned.

Blogging To-Do List: Monday-Friday 

Income and Expense Tracker so you know exactly how much comes in and how much goes out

Product Receivables Tracker so you can keep track of your gifted products

 Monthly Quick Look Blog Content Calendar

Social Media Content Planner: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Social Media Growth Tracker: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter

Blog Statistics Growth Tracker

Suggested Daily Blogging and Social Media Activities

Suggested 30 Day Instagram Content

Suggested Daily Pinning Activity on Pinterest

250 Blog Content Ideas 

Recommended Tools and Resources

List of Free FEMININE WordPress Themes

List of Free MINIMALIST WordPress Themes

+++ MORE! 



The ONLY list that you will find out there that contains:

Approximately 250 blogger and influencer networks

 167 PR firms and digital marketing agencies

 30 Advertising networks

20 Affiliate networks

 200 Hotel contacts in 25+ US destinations

 Sample PITCH email to score your dream brand deals!

 PLUS 1 MAJOR PR database you need to get in! 



VALUED AT: $4,997


10,000+ high-quality  articles that you can use as is or modify to fit your blog’s tone and personality or maybe use as an inspiration to start your own article.

5,000+ ebooks that you can use to build your email list or even use for your own personal training.

1,500+ video trainings that you can use for yourself or use to build your mailing list or share with your readers! 

 Major niches covered! 

+++FUTURE updates and new products added every week! 



Join our exclusive Facebook community of  Become a Blog Boss students. Encourage each other, build each other up, ask questions, and collaborate. 


"I just wanted to personally say "thank you" for doing the work in creating the Ultimate List! I reached out to every PR company I could from that list and on Friday one of my dream collaborations with the NFL happened. I am a sports entertainment/lifestyle blogger and I signed a contract with the NFL to work with them for the remainder of the season through the Super Bowl because of a contact you shared on that list! Thank you so much for sharing with us! This opportunity may have never happened if it wasn't for your idea to put this guide out there. "
"This is a great course for those who are just getting their blog up and running and want to learn the ins and outs of what’s required to build a successful blog. “Become a Blog Boss” provides detailed step by step direction on how to design and create your own blog, how to brainstorm content, and how to keep yourself accountable to a schedule of creating content and putting it out in the world. I’ve found great value in this course as I am developing and building my own blog!"
"This really is a great course! So much info broken down into easy steps. I learned so much. Worth every penny! "
"Such a great resource! "
"Ohhhh my goodness this course is packed FULL of so much information that it’s really worth every cent and more. Lynne obviously knows what she’s doing and you need to look no further for additional courses to master the different aspects of blogging. She has literally got you COVERED and then some. This is seriously worth the investment so if you’re on the fence, hop off and buy this course!!! "
"Having a calendar that you can download and use as a tool to develop and start a blog has been such a gold mine. I am just starting out my journey writing my blog. It has been so nice to have a good roadmap in doing so. "
"I love the step by steps given. I can’t believe all the steps I skipped trying to do this on my own. This course kept me in track so I can have an awesome business up and running faster than I thought!"
"This course made me more confident on launching a blog! If you are interested to make a blog, I would definitely recommend this course."
Make Money From Blogging


I am Lynne G. Caine, a six-figure blogger and I helped thousands of students launch highly successful blogs from scratch to six figures in a year or even less!!

There are so many “experts” out there that offer free guide on how to start a blog and how to make money from blogging…

But the truth of the matter is that a lot of them only offer the basics and the technical part to get you to sign up for the hosting affiliate program they are promoting… 

And there is nothing wrong with that

But it often leaves you feeling lost, confused, and overwhelmed because you don’t know what to do to grow your blog and what truly makes a blog profitable.

You’re stuck with no real answers, no strategy, and no truthful knowledge on how you can become successful and profitable in this industry.

 Quite honestly, I don’t blame you for falling into the trap because it can be hard to separate the real stuff from the hype. 

What you need is a PROVEN SYSTEM for ACCELERATED blog growth and that is exactly what you are going to learn today. 


Frequently Asked Questions

I believe that the #1 difference is the fact that I offer a personal one-on-one email coaching to go over what you have accomplished so far within the 30-60 day period from the time that you enrolled in the course. Personal coaching like this normally costs $1000 upwards. I want to make sure that you take action and that you’re on the right track so you can get your investment back and get a profitable blog up and running in no time.

This course is also very strategic. I have seen a lot of courses on blogging that are so content-heavy but so disorganized that after taking the course, you still don’t have a solid, step-by-step plan on how to get started

This course is for those who have any interest in starting a blogging business. I would say that it is for beginner to intermediate level. If you already have a blog but feel like you can make some changes, learn some strategies or get a bit more of a direction, then you can take this course.

The basics will work for any industry. However, monetization and traffic strategies are not one-size fits all. In the course, I have defined different monetization strategies and a sample strategy to earn your $1,000.

For as long as your monthly subscription, you have an access to it and all the materials available.

The worksheets are downloadable, however, the course is not. But you have access to it anytime, anywhere.

I can’t give you an accurate answer because, again, this is up to you. The program is designed to give you an action plan for the next 30 days and beyond that. If you follow and practice what you’ve learned in this training program, you should see some results of your labor within the next 3-6 months.

It’s 99% PDF files so you won’t have to worry about rewinding the video and taking notes if you want to catch something that I’m saying. And because blogging is constantly and quickly changing, it’s a lot easier to update it this way so we can give you the latest and the greatest in blogging. However, we are working on creating videos to supplement the lessons.

Blogging is not a get rich-quick-scheme. It's work and you have to put an effort. However, if you're not satisfied within 7 days of purchase, you can email us at to let us know why you're not satisfied and we will give you a refund.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I am an experienced marketer. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT WATCH THIS FREE TRAINING.
NOT FACEBOOK OR YOUTUBE: This site is not a part of the Facebook or YouTube website . Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.